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News flash

Today, as I write this, millions of people around the Internet found this ad for child pornography in their mailboxes. This message is almost certainly an attempt to bring harm to the person named as the porno dealer. We here at the spam boycott sincerely hope that the perpetrator is arrested and justice served.

Update, 23 Oct 1996: Reuters reports:

``Police departments and FBI offices around the country have received numerous reports relating to the e-mail message,'' the bureau said in a statement. ``The message is a hoax and the matter is being investigated.''
Update, 29 Oct 1996: There are at least two people with the same name, living in the same state, who are on the Internet and might have provoked this attack. Needless to say, at least one of them is very angry.

From  Mon Oct 21 03:45:24 1996
Date: Mon, 21 Oct 1996 03:27:37 -0400
Subject: Child XXX

Forwarded message:
Subj:    Child XXX
Date:    96-10-21 02:49:20 EDT
From:    R9ch
To:      R9ch
Hi! I sent you this letter because your email address was on a list that fit
this category.  I am a fan of child pornography and for the past 4 years, I

[portions deleted]

You can send a cash, check, or money order. Make it out to my company :
"Kwo UN"
Send your order to:
Child Fun
Name Deleted
Address Deleted

You can also send your credit card numbers.  I do not accept American Express
See Other News Flashes

Scott Hazen Mueller /